How to know your Ayurvedic body type?

How to know your Ayurvedic body type?

Ayurveda is not only a healing system, but it provides complete knowledge of life. It facilitates a balance between mind, body, and environment. In Ayurveda, it is believed that our body is made up of five elements found in nature as Water, Fire, Earth, Space, and Air. These manifest in the human body as three basic energies or dosha (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha). Ayurveda provides knowledge that enables- to know your Ayurvedic body type facilitating- to lead a healthy life.

Every individual has a unique balanced dosha pattern. Each type of dosha has a unique set of characteristics. To enable to maintain good health and a good state of mind, it is necessary to have knowledge of dosha present in an individual also called – Ayurvedic body type. And the gateway to good health is to know your Ayurvedic body type and adopt necessary lifestyle changes to balance your energies. Balance of energies is- good health.

Know your Ayurvedic body type and balance your energies for good health
Know your Ayurvedic body type and balance your energies for good health

How to know your Ayurvedic body type?

You must have observed- that different people behave differently in different situations. Their tendency to gain weight is different. They walk at different speeds. And are prone to different health conditions. Even they respond to different medicines in different ways.

According to Ayurveda- the answer to the above lies in your constitution or Prakriti. Every individual has a unique constitution of energy pattern called Ayurvedic body type. Following guidelines will help you to know your Ayurvedic body type- Vata type, Pitta type, and Kapha Ayurvedic body type. Which elements govern you and will help you guide- how to live the optimum lifestyle for your constitution type.

Know your Ayurvedic body type
Know your Ayurvedic body type

Ayurvedic body type- Vata.

Ayurvedic body type- Vata is governed by air and space elements.

Body Structure:-

Persons who belong to this Ayurvedic body type, generally find it difficult to gain weight due to fast metabolism. They are thin with a prominent bony structure. They tend to be cold and have dry skin. Their pulse is fast and weak.


They are very active, mobile, restless, and energetic with irregular sleeping and eating habits. Their sexual desires vary between extremes. Their sleeping habits are very light and gets easily disturbed. They are more prone to insomnia.


They are very talkative with a fast mode of speech.

Mental State:-

Mentally and emotionally they are quick. they tend to learn fast and also forget easily.


Vata people are generally shy, modest, and with low confidence. They lose patience easily but are flexible and adaptable to changes. Under unfamiliar conditions, they tend to get easily stressed. Mostly they are loners, highly creative, and sensitive.

Ayurvedic body type- Pitta

Ayurvedic body type- Pitta is governed by the fire element.

Body structure:-

Pitta people are generally medium built with good muscle tone. they always feel warm. They get mostly bald as the age progresses with premature greying of hair. They have a high energy level with a good digestive system. Their skin is warm and gets sunburns easily.


They have a very strong desire for food and sex. Their sleep is moderate and not gets easily disturbed. Their pulse is strong. They dominate conversations and dislike warm weather or sunlight.


They mostly speak loudly with passion.

Mental State:-

They are extremely intelligent, focused, and ambitious. They easily get irritated and are emotionally passionate about life.


They are extroverts and love to be in the center of attention. They are highly intelligent and have leadership qualities.

Ayurvedic body type – Kapha.

Kapha’s body type is governed by water and earth elements.

Body Structure:-

They are the largest of all body types with wide hips and shoulders. Their hair is thick and wavy. They have good stamina. Their pulse is slow and steady. They tend to gain weight easily.


They generally have a low appetite with slow digestion. They are sluggish, slow, lethargic, and is difficult to get motivated. They sleep a lot. They love eating good food.


They have a pleasant appearance with enjoyable voices.

Mental State:-

Emotionally they are loyal and stable. They are slow learners with a great memory.


They are highly tolerant, forgiving with medium intelligence. They like familiar surroundings. They are serene and tranquil. They can be romantic, sentimental, and nostalgic in nature.

How to balance your 3 Doshas?

Common factors that affect the balance of energies are stress, unhealthy diet, weather, and strained relationships. Understanding our Ayurvedic body type and adopting appropriate measures to balance them helps us to lead a healthy life.

Factors affecting balance of doshas
Know your Ayurvedic body type- Factors affecting the balance of doshas

Vata Imbalance:-

Vata is the combination of air and space (ether). The following tips will help you to rebalance your Vata Dosha.

Keep yourself warm and calm:- Ensure to have a warm and cozy place for relaxation. It will help a lot in balancing your Vata dosha. Massage yourself with warm oils. Surround yourself with warm colors, soothing music, and sweet aromas.

Nourishment:- Food plays a vital role in creating Vata imbalance as well as restoring the balance of Vata dosha. Vata balance can be restored by consuming flavors that are sweet, sour, or salty. Consuming ginger tea and ensuring that your body is getting healthy fats and oils helps a lot in balancing Vata dosha. Avoid foods that are cold, frozen, or dried. Small beans should be preferred over large beans- As they tend to cause gas problems. Flavors that are bitter and pungent should be avoided.

Adopting meditation and remaining active:- Meditation helps in making your mind calm. It also helps in relieving stress and strengthening your relationship with your inner self. Engaging in light exercise can promote your body’s flexibility and balance. Yoga, cycling, walking, and dancing are few activities to be adopted for Vata imbalance.

Pitta imbalance:-

Pitta consists of fire and water. The following tips may help you in regaining- imbalanced Pitta to restore rhythm with nature.

Nutrition:- Food and digestion play a vital role in disturbing as well as restoring the balance of Pitta dosha. Consume warm and freshly cooked meals to regain imbalance. Add foods like- ghee, coconut oil, coconut water, lime, cucumber, coriander, fennel, and cardamom. Avoid foods that are hot, spicy, fried, sour, salty, pungent, or fermented. Nightshades like- tomatoes, white potatoes, peppers, eggplants, etc. should be avoided. Flavors that are sweet, astringent, and bitter helps in restoring balance.

Adopting meditation and remaining active:- Practising meditation, consuming healthy seasonal food, and staying cool and comfortable play a key role in restoring Pitta balance. Yoga, self-massage, walking, reducing workloads, and avoiding conflicts are a few examples of activities that promote healthy Pitta balance.

Kapha imbalance:-

Kapha contains earth and water elements. The following tips will enable to balance- the Kapha imbalance to regain good health.

Keep yourself warm, dry, and active:– Ensuring a warm and dry place for rebalancing Kapha helps a lot. Remaining physically active and mentally alert like- reading books and participating in games, helps to correct Kapha imbalance in a natural way. Massage yourself with warm oils, surround yourself with warm colors, upbeat music, and good company may also ensure- the rebalancing of Kapha imbalance.

Nutrition:- Nutrition plays a key role in rebalancing Kapha dosha. Foods like- bitter melon, gourd, turmeric, apples, pomegranates, quinoa, tofu, beans, lentils, ginger tea, optimum quantity of fats and oils helps to maintain or rebalance Kapha dosha. Consuming warm foods and avoiding cold and frozen foods also helps. Prefer pungent, bitter, and astringent flavors. And avoid sweet, salty, and sour flavors.

Adopting meditation and remaining active:- Strengthen your relationship with your inner self by adopting meditation. Meditation also helps in easing stress and calming your mind, which naturally helps to regain and maintain balance. Engaging yourself in exercise to promote stamina and energy levels, Yoga, jogging, biking, dancing, and martial arts play a vital role to promote healthily and balanced Kapha.

By knowing our Ayurvedic body type we can balance our dosha by making lifestyle changes to lead a healthy life naturally. It helps in maintaining good and balanced personal, family, and professional relations.

Keeping good health can also help in attaining the ultimate four goals of life – Dharma, Artha, Kama, and Moksha.

Wishing all to be in good health. For treatment please consult your healthcare provider.

For awareness purposes only.

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Surinder Bhalla.

Surinder Bhalla

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40+ Years of experience in the healthcare industry.


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