How to reduce cancer risk with diet?

How to reduce cancer risk with diet?

We can reduce cancer risk by making healthy changes in our diet. As the development of cancer- is mostly due to unhealthy dietary habits. Cancer risk can be reduced by consuming a healthy diet- rich in nutrients derived from fruits, vegetables, and legumes. Colorful vegetables and fruits contain phytochemicals.

How ti Reduce Cancer Risk with Diet?

Phytochemicals– are naturally occurring compounds in plant food like- fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts, and seeds. Many phytochemicals act like antioxidants and help in neutralizing free radicals and curtailing their power to damage healthy cells. Further, they are capable to reduce inflammation and provide a guard- against the things- we eat, drink and breathe- to become carcinogenic (cancer-causing). Phytochemicals can also help in preventing damage to D.N.A.

Cancer is an uncontrolled and abnormal division of body cells- that destroys normal body tissues. Cancer has the capability to spread to other parts of the body. It develops- when the body’s normal control mechanism stops working. Cancer is the second leading cause of death worldwide. For more reading- Obesity- A risk factor for cancer. <<= Click here.

How can we reduce the risk of developing cancer with diet?

There are many foods, that may help to reduce the risk of developing cancer. Due consideration is also to be made to other factors, that may play a role. For more reading- Vegetables- The ultimate source of nutrition and protection.<<= Click here.

Diet- that can reduce the cancer risk.

Food- that may help to lower risk of cancer
Diet- That may reduce cancer risk


Cruciferous vegetables like- broccoli contain sulforaphane. Sulforaphane is considered to have anti-cancer properties. As per a test tube study, it was found that sulforaphane reduced the size and the number of breast cancer cells by 75%. Similarly, one animal study on mice suggested that sulforaphane helped to kill prostate cancer cells and reduced the tumor volume by more than 50%. Thus consuming broccoli in our diet may help to reduce the cancer risk.


Consuming nuts have been linked to reducing the risk of a certain type of cancer. As per a study conducted on 19386 persons. It was found eating nuts are linked with the reduction of the risk of death from cancer. One more study on 30708 participants for 30 years revealed that regular consumption of nuts is associated with the reduced risk of colorectal, pancreatic, endometrial cancer.


It has been found in several studies, that by consuming carrots- the risk of cancer may be reduced. As per the analysis done on five studies, it was found that eating carrots may reduce the risk of stomach cancer by 26%. One more study suggested that higher consumption of carrots was associated with lowering of development of prostate cancer by 18%. Thus incorporating carrots in our diet may help to reduce cancer risk.

Food that may help to lower the risk of cancer
Diet- That may reduce cancer risk

Olive oil:-

Several studies have found that adding olive oil to our diet may play a vital role to reduce cancer risk. A study made- considering cancer rate in 28 countries, found that areas with a higher intake of olive oil have reduced rates of colorectal cancer.


Adding beans to your diet- helps to increase fiber intake and may reduce the cancer risk. As per one study made involving 1905 persons with a history of colorectal cancer, it was found that persons who consumed more beans- have decreased risk of tumor reoccurrence.


Berries are rich in plant pigment called anthocyanins. Anthocyanins possess antioxidant properties and may be linked to reducing cancer risk. As per a study conducted on 25 patients with colorectal cancer. They were treated with bilberry extract for a week. It was found that the cancer cell’s growth reduced by 7%.


Cinamon has many health benefits like- reducing blood sugar levels and anti-inflammatory effects. As per a study on animals, it was found that the extract of cinnamon-induced cell death in tumor cells and was also found to control the spreading and growth of tumors. Adding 2 to 4 grams (1/2 to one teaspoon) of cinnamon to your diet may help to reduce cancer risk.

Diet- That may help to lower cancer risk
Diet- That may reduce cancer risk


Turmeric contains curcumin- An ingredient with anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anticancer properties. In test-tube studies, curcumin was found to be effective in slowing down the growth of lung, breast, and prostate cancer cells. In another study, to see the effect of curcumin involving 44 patients with lesions in the colon, that may become cancerous. Administrating 4 grams of curcumin per day reduced the number of lesions by 40%. Consuming 1 to 3 grams ( 1/2 to 3 teaspoons) of turmeric per day may help in reducing cancer risk. For better absorption, it can be consumed along with black pepper.

Citrus Fruits:-

Consuming citrus fruits like- orange, lemon, grapefruit, etc may lower the cancer risk. As per a study, it was found that participants who consumed citrus fruits have decreased risk of cancer of the upper respiratory tract and digestive tract.


It has been found that drinking coffee may lower the risk of developing certain kinds of cancers like prostate, liver, mouth, throat, breast, uterus, etc. For more reading- Is coffee good for health? <<= Click here.

Diet- That may lower cancer risk
Diet- That may reduce cancer risk

Green Tea:

There is sufficient evidence to suggest that green tea, which is rich in polyphenols may interfere in the division and multiplication of cancer cells.


Garlic contains allicin. It was found in several test-tube studies that allicin possesses the property to kill cancer cells. As per a study conducted on 543220 participants. It was found that participants who consumed allium vegetables, like- garlic, onions, leeks, etc had a lower risk of stomach cancer than participants, who rarely consumed the above vegetables.


Tomatoes contain- lycopene, which imparts red color to tomatoes. Lycopene possesses anti-cancer properties. Studies have revealed that consuming tomatoes may reduce prostate cancer risk.

Diet- That may reduce cancer risk
Diet- That may reduce cancer risk

Fatty fish:-

Fatty fish like- salmon, mackerel, etc are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D. This may reduce cancer risk. Vitamin D is believed to protect and reduce cancer risk. Whereas omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the chances of the development of cancer. Consuming 2- 3 servings of fatty fish per week may help to reduce cancer risk.

Diet- that may raise cancer risk.

Following is the diet that may be avoided to reduce cancer risk.

Food- That may be avoided to reduce risk of cancer
Diet- That may raise cancer risk
Red meat:-

Red meat contains Haem or heme protein that can damage the inner lining of the intestine. Eating a large quantity of meat that has been salted, smoked, or cured can cause stomach and bowel cancer in the long run.


U, S. National Institutes of Health says “The more you drink the higher your risk”. Drinking in moderation is the right approach. As per the recent study, it was found that one in every four alcohol-related deaths above the age of fifty is due to cancer.


Recent research has suggested that sugar can enhance tumor growth in cancer patients. Eating too many sugary drinks and sugary snacks may increase the risk of developing cancer.

Food from plastic containers:-
Food to be avoided to lower the risk of cancer
Diet- That may raise cancer risk

Phthalates are chemicals that make plastic flexible and durable, but food that is kept in plastic containers, on being microwaved and consumed may disturb the hormonal balance of the body, thus increasing the risks of developing cancer.

Processed foods:-

As per a study in France, it was found that people who consumed more ultra-processed foods, including items like chips, candy, frozen foods, etc develop more cancer than people who consumed foods cooked from raw ingredients at home. Foods that are available in plastic packs or in microwaveable trays should be avoided. For more reading- Unhealthy diet- The major cause of premature death.<<= Click here.

Wishing all to be in a healthy state. For treatment please consult your healthcare provider. (For awareness purpose only).

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Surinder Bhalla.

Surinder Bhalla

Blogger & Marketing consultant.

40+years of experience in the healthcare industry. Modern medicine & Ayurveda

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