Liver cancer

What causes Fatty Liver Disease?

Fatty liver disease (FLD) causes- when excess fats start accumulating in your liver. Fatty liver disease is also called hepatic…

2 years ago

How to reduce cancer risk with diet?

We can reduce cancer risk by making healthy changes in our diet. As the development of cancer- is mostly due…

3 years ago

Obesity- A risk factor for cancer.

Obesity is a preventable risk factor for cancer. Research shows that excess body fat in obese people due to obesity…

4 years ago

Is coffee good for health?

Too much of coffee consumption has negative impact on cardiovascular health in the long run. One must restrict the coffee…

4 years ago

How to care for your liver?

The liver is one of the main and the second-largest internal organs of the body. It performs more than 500…

4 years ago

Liver Cirrhosis: Warning signs and prevention tips

Liver cirrhosis is caused by long term exposure to toxins such as alcohol, drugs, medicines, or viral infections such as…

4 years ago

Hepatitis- C: Demystifying the Silent Threat to Your Liver

Hepatitis- C is a Liver disease. It is caused by infection due to viruses called (HCV). The virus attacks the…

4 years ago